
Stefano Farris

Assistant Professor University of Milan

Dr Stefano Farris is Assistant Professor at the University of Milan.

He earned his M.Sc. degree (Summa cum Laude) in Agricultural Science and Technology in 2003 and the Ph.D. degree in in Food and Microbial Biotechnology in 2007. Following this his educational/scientific career has developed in five different academic institutions (University of Sassari, Italy; Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain; University of Milan, Italy; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, US and KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden). Since 2004 Stefano Farris has worked at DeFENS (Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences), University of Milan.

Vinifera Teaching:

Within the M2 of the programme, Stefano lectures on packaging in the wine industry: performance, safety and sustainability.

Research interests:

Stefano’s research activity mainly focuses on, but is not limited to, the design and development of new high-performance packaging materials, using different approaches such as soft chemistry and nanotechnology. Primarily, he deals with fundamental aspects to provide new suitable practical solutions, especially for the food packaging sector. The up-to-now outcome arising from his work accounts for 70 publications on peer-reviewed international journals, in addition to book chapters in international books, and international patents Furthermore, he has received awards and contributes to conferences and industrial partnerships. Since March 2017, he is assistant professor (tenure track) at DeFENS, University of Milan.