Apply in
3 steps
You create your personal account
You follow the link Apply online on the website to request a password
- You are registered for application
- You will receive a password by e-mail
You prepare the following documents (in .pdf and English)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation letter (one/two pages)
- Transcript of degree marks in English officially produced by your university
- Scan of Degree certificate or Master Diploma (original and English translation – with translator’s signature)
- English Language Proficiency (except if English is your native language)
If you don’t have
- a recent English test, please upload your last certificate or provide a letter confirming your test booking. The required proficiency level is B2. You can email the results after submission but before July. Admission is conditional on reaching this level.
- graduated yet, please include an official letter from your university stating the expected graduation date. If not possible, attach a self-declaration letter with the date. Confirmation of passing must be received before July for enrollment.
Note: Diplomas or transcripts in Spanish, German, Italian or Portuguese do not need to be translated. The CV and letter, and references MUST be in English
You fill out your application online
- You login, use your identification (e-mail address) and password received
- You successive logins allow you to complete the entire procedure. You should save the form each time
- You design two referees: you give your referees’ e-mail addresses on the application form
- You have to obtain references yourself and upload them on the platform
- Your recommendations have to be submitted before the deadline and must be in English
Attention: The online application procedure takes some time. With your login and password, you can return at any moment to add/modify information as long as you have not fully submitted it. Please do not press SUBMIT until you have added all the information.
You submit your application online
- Once the application form is completely filled out, you pay the admin fee (30 €)
- Submit the application form electronically before the deadline
Note: When your form has been submitted, the system does not allow you to make any changes. After checking of the application, candidates may be contacted with queries during this pre-selection phase.
Important for visa application: Do not forget to apply on the Campus France platform to begin the process for visa application for M1 in Montpellier if this applies to you:
How will you be evaluated ?
First selection process
The secretariat submits a list of completed candidate profiles to the Admissions Board. The Board produces a list of candidates to interview.
Second selection process
The Admissions Board compiles a ranking for admission and scholarships/grants. Professors specializing in viticulture and enology evaluate each application, assigning a global score out of 300 based on the criteria below. Applicants scoring above 200 will be invited for an interview, conducted either via Skype or face-to-face (for USA and China).
- Degree marks and university of origin
- Motivation, professional and personal career objectives
- Experience in the vine and/or wine sector
- Academic and/or professional referees
Third selection process
The Admissions Board carries out virtual/in-person interviews with each shortlisted applicant.
During the interview (maximum of 15 minutes), a panel of at least two members from the EMaVE consortium evaluates selected applicants based on their English proficiency, motivation, knowledge, and communication skills.
Last selection process
E-mails are sent to applicants accordingly. The candidates are then requested to confirm their acceptance and pay a deposit of part of the fees.