Torino Consortium of Italian Universities

The University of Turin is the Coordinator of the Italian consortium including the Universities of Milano-Palermo-Foggia-Sassari
The University of Turin is the Coordinator of the Italian consortium including the Universities of Milano-Palermo-Foggia-Sassari

The University of Turin ( is the coordinator of the Italian consortium including the Universities of Milano-Palermo-Foggia-Sassari, a consortium representing different ‘Terroirs’ from the Alps to the Mediterranean sea.

The Master’s Degree Course in Viticulture and Enology has a strong practical connotation and is partly carried out in research centers or large Italian or foreign wineries, under the guidance of qualified academic tutors, in the context of compulsory internships. The formative seminars are interdisciplinary and allow the deepening of basic knowledge related to the cultivation of the vine and to the production, marketing and promotion of wine. Historical-nutritional aspects are explored for a more complete view of the production system.

The ‘Vinifera students’ who decide to attend the second year (M2) in Italy can choose among the different teachings offered by the various Universities of the Italian Consortium (Torino, Milano, Palermo, Foggia and Sassari) and the location in which they will carry out their thesis and the internship.

At the end of the studies, our Master’s Degree Course in Viticulture and Enology offers professional opportunities of work in companies, wineries, cellars, as well as opportunities of employment in the public sector.

Involvement in the Vinifera program:

Involvement into the M1 curricula at Montpellier:
• Guidoni, Silvia, Dr à Vine Ecology and Physiology
• Giacosa, Simone, Dr. à Wine-processing

Main topics for M2: lecture choice for M2:
• Research activities of Torino-Milano-Palermo-Foggia-Sassari consortium (i.e. topics for thesis):
• University of Turin – main research topics for M2

Contact person

Luca Rolle

President of Masters for M2 at University of Turin
Contact person

Alessandra Ferrandino

Incoming students

Our Program