
Nicola Cobelli

Assistant Professor University of Verona

Dr Nicola Cobelli is Assistant Professor of Business Management at the Department of Business Administration, The University of Verona (Italy).

Vinifera Teaching:

Vinifera Teaching: Nicola teaches M2 Vinifera students in the module of Advanced Tools for Marketing and Communication.

He is member of the Italian Sociality of Management (SIMA) and the Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA). In addition, he is member of the Italian Society of Marketing (SIM), and member of the Editorial Board of Sinergie – Italian Journal of Management.

His main publications are in international journals, such as Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, TQM Journal, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management, Sustainable Development, and Journal of Business Research. He is also reviewer for many international journals, such as European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Information Management; International Journal of Wine Business Research, New Media and Society, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, International Journal of Information Management, ANZMAC Conference (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Annual Conference).

Research interests:

Dr Cobelli’s main research areas are in the fields of:

– Enterprise 4.0: Advanced Human Machine Interface & IoT
– Retail Management
– Destination Management
– Sustainability
– Servitization e Value Co-Creation in the B2B and B2C perspectives

International involvement:

Nicola has been a visiting PhD Student at the University of Sydney (Australia) and is Visiting Scholar for several Erasmus+ projects.