
Jorge Ricardo da Silva

Professor Universidade de Lisboa

Professor Jorge Ricardo da Silva is Full Professor of Enology at “Instituto Superior de Agronomia” (ISA) of the “Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa)”. He is the representative for the “Universidade de Lisboa” in the EMaVE Consortium.

Jorge M. Ricardo-da-Silva graduated in Agro-Industrial Engineering in the “Instituto Superior de Agronomia” (ISA) of the “Universidade de Lisboa”(at that time Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, UTL) in 1986, and obtained the Master in the same scientific area and University in 1989. Then, in 1992 , he obtained the PhD degree in “Sciences Agro.Alimentaires, at the Ecole Nationale Supèrieure Agronomique de Montpellier (ENSAM), France. Finally, in 2001, he received the Habilitation degree from ISA/UTL.

In addition to teaching in the Vinifera EuroMaster, Jorge teaches and coordinates the Winemaking (Vinification), Enological Engineering, Chemical Composition and Sensory Analysis of Grapes and Wines modules of the national Master in Viticulture and Enology Engineering, and also teaches in the Food Technology module of the Bsc of Food Engineering at ISA/ULisboa.

He is the coordinator of the PhD program in Food Science and Engineering at ISA/ULisboa.

In addition, he is President of the Commission for the attribution of the Professional Title of Winemaker (“Oenologue”) in Portugal, representing the “Associação Portuguesa de Enologia”.

Vinifera Teaching:

In the M1 of the Vinifera programme in Montpellier, Jorge teaches proanthocyanidins, flavonols and non-flavonoid phenols, minerals, sugars and polyssacharides in the “Grape and Wine Composition” unit of the Enology module, being the coordinator of the Enology module.

During the M2 (year 2) in Lisbon, Prof. Ricardo-da-Silva teaches and coordinates the following modules: Fortified Wines; Grape and Wine Derived Products and By-products and Winery Training/Internship, modules also belonging to the National Master in Viticulture and Enology Engineering (ISA/ULisboa, Faculty of Sciences/UPorto and INIAV (Viticulture and Enology Research Station).

Research interests:

His research focuses on the study of the phenolic compounds in grapes and wines, especially the proanthocyanidins, in respect to the ageing of wines, grape and wine composition in relation to Viticulture practices. Wine-fining treatments. New enological practices. Oak wood and other wood species in Enology

International involvement:

Jorge is member of the National Commission of OIV (Vine and Wine International Organisation), in the Enology experts group. He participates in several research projects and is also reviewer for several international scientific journals, as well as international research agencies/institutions.

He serves as Member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: OENO-One; Mitteilungen. Klosterneuburg, Ciência e Técnica Vitivinicola”.