
Hervé Hannin 

IHEV Director of Development/Research Engineer Institut Agro Montpellier

Hervé Hannin is Director of development in the IHEV and Research Engineer at the Institut Agro Montpellier (formerly Montpellier SupAgro).

Dr Hannin is a previous director and founder of the IHEV (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Vigne et du Vin) (2004). His role in the OIV has been Manager of education and companies aspects. He was the first director of OIV MSc (1987-1997).

Vinifera Teaching:

He lectures in the Economics for the Wine Industry module, focussing on International governance in the wine industry.

Research interests:

Hervé researches and trains in economy and marketing, specifically on wine sector issues. His studies focus on future studies and strategy (since 2000) in the wine industry. This includes research into climate change and cultivation of the grapevine without pesticides

International involvement:

Hervé serves as OIV expert in 3 groups : Education, Economy & Markets, and the Environment