Dr Florent Pantin is Lecturer in plant ecophysiology at Montpellier SupAgro.
Florent Pantin has worked as Lecturer in Montpellier SupAgro since 2015. During his PhD in LEPSE (2008-2011), he combined the use of Arabidopsis resources with state-of-the-art phenotyping methods. These are used to analyse shoot responses to drought, temperature and irradiance. He gained more experience in modelling leaf development through a Marie Curie Fellowship in Enrico Coen’s lab (John Innes Centre, UK). He also worked on leaf hydraulics as a postdoc in Bernard Genty’s team (CNRS, UMR BIAM). Since he joined the LEPSE, he uses grapevine and Arabidopsis to study the genetics of stomatal movements and leaf water relations.