
Alejandro Gennari

Full Professor National University of Cuyo in Argentina

Alejandro Gennari is Full Professor in Agricultural Economics & Policy, and Environmental Economics & Policy in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Cuyo in Argentina.

He also contributes as Professor of Wine Economics & Policy and Wine Marketing in the Master in Viticulture & Enology, at the same university of Cuyo. Furthermore, he teaches Economics and Management of Irrigation Water Systems for the Master in Irrigation & Drainage.

After training as Agricultural Engineer in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the National University of Cuyo, Alejandro worked as specialist in Economics of the Agro Food System for CeFAS, Viterbo, Italia.

He obtained his PhD in Agro Food Economics & Policy from the Universitá degli Studi di Padova in 1993. He has been Deputy Minister for Agriculture in the Mendoza Province, and Secretary of Water Management of the Irrigation Water Agency of Mendoza. Alejandro also worked as General Manager of the UCAR. (the UCAR is the national institution for international multi & bilateral credit for agriculture infrastructure and rural development). This is based in the Ministry of Agroindustry, Argentina).

Alejandro has served as consultant for IDB, World Bank, IICA, FAO) on issues of water management, water infrastructure for irrigation, rural development, and agro sectorial analysis).

Vinifera Teaching:

Alejandro plays a major part in the Economics for the Wine Industry module. He teaches on marketing, international global wine trade, and microeconomics. Other topics include structural analysis, eonotourism and related areas.

Research interests:

Prof Gennari focuses on wine economics and policy and wine marketing. In addition, he researches on enotourism, bioeconomics. Water economics and policy, water system management, water & the environment all feature in his classes.