Institut Agro

General presentation

L’INSTITUT AGRO, resulting from the merger in 2020 of Agrocampus Ouest and Montpellier SupAgro.

L’INSTITUT AGRO is a leading national higher education institution for agriculture, food and the environment. Its field of action covers all topics of plant and animal production, including horticulture, viticulture, fisheries, landscape, food science and socio-economics.

It is a multi-site institution with its five campuses in southern and western France (more than 3750 students and 210 professors and lecturers)

L’INSTITUT AGRO has a triple vocation of training, research and knowledge transfer to the socio-economic sphere to address environmental and societal challenges such as agroecology and food, digital, climate transitions (36 research units)

It has the benefit of an increased international visibility : Rank 20 in Agricultural Sciences, Rank 40 in Ecology, Rank 32 in Food Science and Technology (Shanghai Ranking 2021)

Involvement in the Vinifera programme

Montpellier SupAgro, as part of Institut Agro develops its expertise in vine and wine sciences through the IHEV (Institute for High Studies in Viticulture and Enology).

IHEV is the coordinator of the Vinifera Euromaster from the beginning of this international project. The first year of the programme is implemented at Montpellier.

Institut Agro produces the accredited joint Master Vinifera diploma on behalf of the consortium. L’Institut Agro guarantees the quality assurance process.

In particular, l’Institut Agro coordinates the M1 modules of project management, vine eco-physiology, wine processing and company & terroir auditing in partnership with the school of Bordeaux (BSA).

contact persons

Prof Anne Pellegrino: Vinifera Scientific Director:

Mr Patrice Lallemand: Vinifera Academic Director:

Mrs Helen Jennings: Vinifera assistant: