
Paolo Sivilotti

Associate Professor Uniersity of Udine

Prof. Paolo Sivilotti is Associate Professor at the University of Udine, teaching Viticulture modules at Bachelor (Viticulture and Enology) and Master (Viticulture, Enology and Wine Marketing) level.

He graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Udine in 1996, and in 2002 he finished the PhD under the supervision of prof. E. Peterlunger. During the PhD he spent seven months at the Australian Wine Research Institute in Adelaide.

Vinifera Teaching:

He is the coordinator of  the Vine biology module

Research interests:

– Abiotic (water, light) and biotic factors (virus) as affecting grapevine physiology and berry secondary metabolism
– Adoption of mitigation practices to cope with climate change and effects on grape maturation and secondary metabolism (polyphenols, aroma compounds);
– Endangered autochthonous varieties and genetic relations among them;
– Calibration of multispectral and hypespectral indices for the detection of water stress, esca and flavescence doree at the filed level.
– Biostimulants effects on grapevine yield and quality

International involvement:

Prof. Sivilotti was principal investigator and lead partner of several transborder projects dealing with viticultural topics.

He is the coordinator of the Italian working group in viticulture.