Dr S Kreiter

Serge Kreiter is Professor, teacher and researcher at Montpellier SupAgro, France.

He studied Zoology and Animal Biology at the University of Nice and Ecology at Marseille University, where he obtained his MSc (1981), his PhD (1985) and his HDR (1997) on animal population ecology. He has written 160 scientific papers, 40 book chapters and 150 papers for International Congresses and is editor of two books.  He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific Journal Acarologia and expert on macro-organisms in ANSES.  He was awarded the title of Distinguished Professor (highest grade in France) in 2015.

Vinifera Teaching:  Within the viticulture module, Serge teaches on integrated pest management against mites.

Research Interests: His research concerns the mites family Phytoseiidae; systematics, predation, predators, biocontrol and IPM in various perennial and horticultural crops in many region of the world (starting on vines and diversified after 10 years). He has research and/or teaching collaborations with many scientists particularly in Europe, Northern Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Caribbean, South Africa and Indian Ocean.

Contact: serge.kreiter@supagro.fr