Associate partners

International and sustainable network

Associate partners actively participate in the activities of the Vinifera MSc

Since 2007, EMaVE Consortium has the goal to develop synergies with the wine industry.
The Consortium involves associate partners from the academic, private and public sectors.
They are all selected for their excellence in vine and wine sciences.
For instance:
  • Gallo E&J participates in the selection of American applications, organising a one-day seminar each year at its research center in Modesto, California.
  • China Agricultural University and NWAFU (North-West Agricultural and Forestry University) actively participate in the organisation of interview sessions of applicants in China.

Agreement from 2021: Vinifera signs with HES-SO & Ecole de Changins, Switzerland

In the framework of the call 2021, the HES-SO (Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale), l’Ecole de Changins and EMaVE have signed one agreement in order to develop one joint diploma.
The Viticulture and Enology Major (VE) of the Master of Science in Life Sciences (MLS) is now offered as a joined diploma between the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland HES-SO and The Vinifera EuroMaster.
The Swiss Students will spend the first year in HES-SO. Their second year will be spent in one of Universities from the Vinifera EuroMaster Consortium.
For Vinifera students, it extends the opportunities of master thesis and summer course, studying the particularities of the Swiss viticulture of altitude in a country with such a large diversity of local grapes.

Partnership 2020: Vinifera signs one agreement with Oregon State University, USA

In September 2020, the College of Agricultural Sciences of Oregon State University and EMaVE have signed one agreement in order to develop their student mobilities.
Every year,  2 US students will be lucky to join the Vinifera programme for one semester in the framework of their studies at OSU. In the same time, 2 M2 Vinifera students will do their master thesis in vine or wine sciences hosted by one OSU research lab at Corvallis, Oregon.

Partnership 2020-27: Vinifera strengthens its partnership in South Africa

The Erasmus+ Agency has officially recognised with high relevance the creation of the consortium of four partners:
Montpellier SupAgro School (IHEV),
– University of Montpellier (Faculty of Pharmacy),
INRAE (experimental unit of Pech Rouge)
Lallemand company
Our project is to create a sustainable space of cooperation between French and South African higher education and research institutions in the field of vine and wine sciences.